Recall FAQ

When is the recall election?

October 3, 2023. Ballots must be turned in by 7pm. 

How can I help oppose the recall?

You can donate, sign up to volunteerand tell you friends and neighbors to vote no on this wasteful recall election.

How much will the recall election cost?
Contrary to what some petition circulators have told residents, this recall election will not be free. It is costing taxpayers $137,700.00. That's enough to fund a new police officer for an entire year.

Who opposes this recall?

Many citizens have voiced their opposition to this recall, as have business and community leaders.

The Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce board unanimously passed a resolution to oppose the recall stating, "Nothing illegal, egregious, or unethical has been committed by any of these Council Members making this recall completely unnecessary and wholly wasteful."

Our State Senator Jeff Bridges and State Representative Meg Froelich both oppose the recall. Their statement: "As Englewood's representatives in the Colorado General Assembly we're proud to advocate for the success of this great community. Unfortunately, over the last few years we've seen recalls across our state against elected officials just for doing the job they were elected to do. Short of egregious misconduct, regularly scheduled elections serve as our opportunity to change representation when we disagree with their votes or their values. We urge a *no* vote on the October recall." 

Why are some citizens pursuing a recall?

A small group of discontented residents are wasting taxpayer dollars because they are upset City Council discussed affordable housing strategies in study sessions that they disagreed with. I am concerned that this unfounded and unprecedented action will discourage future councils from working on the most challenging issues facing our community. 

This is not how we should deal with policy disagreements in our community. While this group tries to recall the majority of city council, we are not able to make progress on the most pressing needs in our city. This recall is only dividing our community and pulling attention away from all the progress we can achieve by working together. 

Why are only three of the seven council members under threat of recall?

The recall petitioners targeted the four council members who expressed support for exploring policies that would increase affordable housing in our city (one council member has since resigned, leaving three in the recall election). I ran for city council because we need more attainable housing in Englewood. Additionally, I am the only city council member who has bought a house in Englewood in the last decade. I have first hand experience of how challenging it is right now, especially for first time homebuyers. It's important to me that we represent all constituents across the housing spectrum, including renters, longtime home owners, new residents, homebuyers, and those unhoused. 

What about the other allegations in the recall petition about crime, drugs, and fiscal stability? 

We addressed crime head on in Englewood. During my term, I have voted to add 6 officers to our police force and secure longterm funding for our alternative policing programs that support those experiencing substance abuse. We have actually seen a 4% reduction in car theft, a 5% reduction in property crime, a 2% drop in violent crime, and a 3% overall crime reduction city-wide. 

The finances and management of the city are strong. I am proud of the work we are doing to strengthen our infrastructure and invest in critical improvements that will serve Englewood for generations to come. Our Economic Development Strategic Plan that City Council approved was recognized with the Governor’s Downtown Excellence Award by Downtown Colorado, Inc., and our Annual Comprehensive Financial Report received the Government Financial Officers Association’s Award. 

What does this election mean for our community?
I believe this election is a decision point about the future of our community. Do we want to embrace thoughtful and incremental progress that unlocks opportunity for all our residents while preserving what we love most about Englewood? Or do we want to resist all change and let Englewood degrade, becoming a place where no one wants to live? I, for one, want the former. I am working to make sure Englewood continues to be a place for residents at all income levels can find opportunity and belonging. I hope the majority of our residents do as well, and vote no on the recall.

How can I learn more?

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